Ad hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 KR

LLB hält 93.26 Prozent an Bank Linth

Vaduz, 14. April 2022. Die Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG (LLB) veröffentlicht nach Ablauf der Angebotsfrist des öffentlichen Kaufangebots für alle sich im Publikum befindenden Aktien der Bank Linth LLB AG das provisorische Zwischenergebnis und erklärt das Angebot als zustande gekommen.

Provisorisches Zwischenergebnis des öffentlichen Kaufangebots

Unter Berücksichtigung der Bank Linth-Aktien, die von der Anbieterin per Ablauf der Angebotsfrist gehalten werden, und der angedienten Bank Linth-Aktien beträgt die Beteiligung der LLB per Ende der Angebotsfrist am 13. April 2022 vorbehältlich des Vollzuges des Angebots insgesamt 93.26 Prozent aller per 13. April 2022 kotierten Bank Linth-Aktien. Von den bisher im Angebot angedienten Bank Linth-Aktien wurden erfreuliche 48.88 Prozent für das Teil-Tauschangebot in LLB-Aktien mit Barkomponente und 51.12 Prozent für die vollständige Barabgeltung angemeldet. Details zum provisorischen Zwischenergebnis sind unter einsehbar.

Die LLB erklärt das Angebot unter Vorbehalt der Angebotsbedingung als zustande gekommen. Die Nachfrist beginnt am 22. April 2022 und dauert bis zum 5. Mai 2022, 16 Uhr. Die Transaktion wird voraussichtlich am 18. Mai 2022 vollzogen.


Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG's public tender offer for all publicly held shares of Bank Linth LLB AG (the Offer) will not be made, directly or indirectly, in any country or jurisdiction in which such offer would be unlawful or otherwise violate any applicable law or regulation or which would require Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG to make any amendment to the terms or conditions of the Offer, to make any additional application to, or to take any additional action with respect to, any governmental, regulatory or legal authority. It is not and will not be intended to extend the Offer to any such country or jurisdiction. Documents relating to the Offer may not be distributed in, or sent to, any such country or jurisdiction. Such documents may not be used for the purpose of soliciting purchases of Bank Linth AG securities by any person or entity resident or incorporated in such country or jurisdiction.

This Communication constitutes neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation to buy securities of Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG or of Bank Linth LLB AG and it does not constitute a prospectus or similar notice within the meaning of articles 35 et seqq. or 69 of the Swiss Financial Services Act or a prospectus pursuant to the laws of any other jurisdiction. This Communication may be considered to be marketing material. An investment decision regarding the securities of Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG should only be made on the basis of the prospectus that will be published in connection with the public tender offer and will be available free of charge at

This Communication is namely not for distribution in the European Economic Area, the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan. This communication does not constitute an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, securities in any jurisdiction in which is unlawful to do so.

Certain statements in this Communication are forward-looking statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and assumptions could adversely affect the outcome and financial consequences of the plans and events described herein. Neither Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG nor any of its respective directors, officers, employees, advisors, or any other person is under any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak of the date of this Communication. Statements contained in this Communication regarding past trends or events should not be taken as a representation that such trends or events will continue in the future.